Eilne pärastlõunane külaline, Gopher Snake. Kahjutu ja hea iseloomuga, vähemalt nii väidavad allikad. Paul seda liiki ussidega lapsepõlvest saati sina peal. Nii et kui madu terrassi ees kivi alla peitu puges, ei pidanud Paul paljuks teda lausa kättpidi õigele teele ehk siis alla kanjonisse juhatada. Kaamerat uss ei võõrastanud, nagu alumisel pildil näha.
We had a visitor yesterday afternoon, Gopher Snake. Paul has experiences with them from his very boyhood so he got very hands on with the snake. I mean you don't actually want it to curl up under the rock right in front of your terrace do you. I tell you one thing - Mr Gopher Snake wasn't camera shy for sure.