5500 MIILI /8800 KILOMEETRIT mõõdetakse linnulennult mu esimese USA kodu (Las Cruces, New Mexico) ja endise kodulinna Tallinna vahet. Tänaseks olen kolinud Eestimaale lähemale. Nimelt Oregoni osariiki, väikelinna Madrase külje alla. Madrasest Tallinnasse on 'kõigest' 4993 miili /8034 kilomeetrit. Kolimine lihtne, blogi nime muutmine keeruline. Las ta jääda 5500.
5500 MILES is the distance between Las Cruces NM (my first home town in The United States) and Tallinn, my home town in Estonia. Truth is, by now I've moved closer to my homeland again, since I'm living in Oregon. From the small town Madras there's 'only' 4993 miles to Tallinn! But I tell you what. Moving is a child's play compared with changing blog`s name. So it will stay 5500.