kes blogib/who's blogging

HEA LUGEJA, usutavasti me sinuga tunneme teineteist. Sest blogil silma peal hoidma olen kutsunud oma sõbrad, sugulased ja head tuttavad mõlemal pool suurt vett. Kogemata kombel siia sattunu jaoks lisan siiski paar rida.

Olen eesti naine Epp. Elan juba mõnda aega USAs. Minu mees on ameeriklane, mistap kolisin koos koera, kunsti ja kirjutamisega siiapoole ookeani. Mu vanus kõigub, olenevalt asjaoludest, 30 ja 90 eluaasta vahel. Passis seisab 63. Ma olen 164 cm pikk. Olen õnnelik ja rikas.


HI THERE! I believe you and I already know each other. Because my friends, relatives and other good people I'm blessed to be acquainted with are invited to visit my blog. But in case you are just a wanderer, here are a few words about me.

I'm Estonian woman Epp. Have been residing in The U.S. a bit more than eight years now. My husband - he's an American - is the reason I moved myself, my dog, my art workshop and my typewriter all the way over the ocean. My age? You see it's see-sawing between 30 and 90 (depending on circumstances). My passport says I'm 63. I stand 5 foot 3 inches tall. I'm happy and I'm rich.