Kogu me majapidamine on pakitud treileriruumi mõõtmetega 2,4 x 2,7 x 3,3 meetrit. Mismoodi Paul ja ta sõber Jeff sellega hakkama said, mina küll ei tea. Eks nalja saab, kui me Oregonis hakkame seda puzzlet otsast lahti harutama. Mul on fotod kah meeste vägiteost, aga noid presenteerin millaski hiljem. Praegu vaja vaadata, et külje kotile saab. Pikk tee ju ees. Hüvasti, Orelimäed! Järgmine side juba Kaskaadide mäeaheliku jalamilt, uuest kodust Madrasest. Arvata et millaski 10 aprilli paiku.
All our household is squeezed into 8 x 7 x 11 x feet trailer space. Paul and Jeff made impossible happen. How? Don't ask me:). I have some photos of the process though. But not today. Proper rest is more than needed, before takeoff. Goodbye, farewell, Organ Mountains. Next contact from the Cascades already, some time around April 10th.