Trump laevas, laev põhjas

See on küll regionaalse tähtsusega uudis, aga ma ei saa jätta jagamata. Nimelt toimus läinud laupäeval ühel Texase järvekesel Trumpi toetajate paadiralli. Paraku, paraku. Rikkuritest suurpaadiomanike tekitatud kiiluveelained uputasid vähemalt viis vaesematest vennikestest osalejate alust. Egas midagi, nagu presidendikandidaat, nii ka toetusüritus. Tühja sellest alamrahva siplemisest, peaasi et tipus tore ja turvaline. Meemid olid muidugi kah kiired tulema, vt. foto 2 ja 3. (Selgituseks - demokraat Joe Biden on Trumpi vastaskandidaat novembris toimuvatel presidendivalimistel.) 

(CNN) Boats flying flags honoring President Donald Trump crowded Lake Travis during a boat parade Saturday that attracted hundreds of watercraft of all sizes. But the wake of other boats in a pro-Trump parade in Texas caused 5 boats to sink, sheriff's office says. The weather on Lake Travis, which is west of Austin, was calm Saturday, but the large number of boats moving together produced large waves. "It was like an ocean out there. I'm surprised I survived it”, Danielle Severn told CNN. "The boats were mainly just teeter-tot-erring. A lot of them took on water by the nose. After that it was over, especially for the smaller boats."
The event began at noon Saturday, and the sheriff's office says they began to receive calls "almost immediately." They responded to 15 distress calls, and a local towing company said there were "three additional reports of boats taking on water.” The five boats that sank, three have been towed out and two others remain on the bottom of Lake Travis. 
Images: internet
September 07/2020
“Often it's just a short swim from the shipwreck of your life to the island paradise of your dreams, assuming you don't drown in the metaphor.” ― Robert Breault

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