Aardejaht !

Mulle tundub, et üks HEA UUDIS kulub praegu marjaks ära.
Kümme aastat tagasi peitis USA miljonär ja antiigikoguja Forrest Fenn Kaljumägedesse aardelaeka, mis sisaldas kulda ning kalliskive ca miljoni dollari väärtuses. Põhjus? Õhutada inimesi loodusesse minema, anda lootust majanduslanguse järgse depressiooni all kannatajaile. Paar päeva tagasi teatas õnnelik anonüümne leidja, et aare on tema omanduses. Leiuni aitasid Fenni poolt juhiseks kirjutatud värsiread. Kas pole äge?? Midagi südentsoojendavat, vahelduseks. Ja nüüd kõik marss metsa aardeid otsima!

"Thousands of brave souls have ventured into the Rocky Mountains for the past decade, searching for a treasure chest filled with gold, rubies, emeralds and diamonds. Forrest Fenn, the 89-year-old art and antiquities collector who created the treasure hunt, made the announcement on his website. The treasure, estimated to be worth over $1 million, was a way for Fenn to inspire people to explore nature and give hope to people affected by the Great Recession, he said. Clues leading to the treasure's location were included in a 24-line poem published in Fenn's 2010 autobiography "The Thrill of the Chase." Fenn estimated that as many as 350,000 people from all over the world went hunting for the treasure."

CNN: A treasure chest hidden in the Rocky Mountains for a decade has finally been found
Instagram: @forrest.fenn
Koduleht: oldsantafetradingco.com
Images: Internet
June 07/2020
“Of course. Treasure hunts make much better stories when there’s treasure at the end.” ― Eric Berlin, The Puzzling World of Winston Breen

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