Rattlesnake Fire, seen from our driveway

ÜLLATAVALT LOODUTULEKAHJU-VABA on tänavune suvi olnud, kuna läinud talv andis keskmiselt rohkem sademeid. Ühesõnaga, Kesk-Oregoni kõrbele suviselt omast suitsulõhna polnd me nuusutanud eile pealelõunani. Aga varem või hiljem peab põõsas siinkandis põõsas ikkagi põlema minema, nii et eilne päikeseloojak oli suitsune. Meile mitte mingisugust ohtu pole. Tegemist väiksemat sorti põlenguga, tule ja me maja vahel vahel laiub hulk haritud põllumaad pluss kogu Madrase linn. Muide, imestusega avastasin eile, et suitsulõhn tundus kuidagi kodune, peale kahte siinveedetud tulekahjude-rohket suve....Alumisel fotol eileõhtune vaade meie sissesõiduteelt.


/.../ A wind-fanned wildfire broke out on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation late Sunday afternoon and raced across 5,000 acres of grass, brush and juniper near the confluence of the Warm Springs and Deschutes rivers, sending smoke billowing south across much of the High Desert.
The Rattlesnake Fire, which began near Rattlesnake Springs, was reported just before 4 p.m. about five miles north-northeast of Warm Springs.
A total of 65 personnel (not including support staff) worked to confine the fire, keeping it from homes along the Deschutes River. It was still reported actively burning at midnight. Crews were burning out along along the perimeter to try to direct the fire away from any structures, roads or populated areas./.../
p.s. We are more than safe. There are big fields and the whole town of Madras between our home and the fire. Besides, it's not one of those 'big ones'. Hopefully (because of the terrain) won't even became one.
July 25/2016