Obama Tallinnas! Ühendriikides resideeruva eesti kodanikuna ei saa ma sellest sündmusest kuidagimoodi mööda vaadata. Mis ma öelda tahan, on järgmine:

Esiteks. Mulle Obama meeldib. Mitte et ma tema ja ta administratsiooni poliitikat sajaprotsendiliselt fännaks, aga lõppude lõpuks on ta demokraat. Mitte republikaan. See seab minu jaoks asjad paika.
Teiseks. Olen siin omaette juurelnud, miks minu jaoks on OK, et USA surgib Eesti asjades, aga pole OK, et surgib Lähis-Idas. Peamine põhjus vist see, et nii Eesti kui Ühendriigid on nö. läänemaailma riigid. Lähis-Ida on, nagu nimigi ütleb, IDA. Totaalselt teine kultuur. Sajanditepikkune ajalugu ja traditsioonid, mis Lääne inimesel üle mõistuse käivad. Kõigile oleks tervislikum, kui konflikt regionaalselt lahendataks. Seda enam, et George Bushi muinasjuttu, et Iraak tuumarelva omab, ei usu tänaseks enam ükski terve mõistusega inimene.

Igale terve mõistusega inimesele peaks selge olema ka see, et suurriikide motiivid pole ilmaski omakasupüüdmatud. USA ei ole Lähis-idas kohal teps mitte terrorismiga võitlemiseks ega Eestis väikeriigi enesemääramisõiguse kaitsel. Mäng käib muudele panustele. Samas, Eesti puhul on lääne 'embus' loomulikult hulga vastuvõetavam kui ida oma. Nii et Obama igati teretulnud. Olen aga kuulnud, et tal olla olla oma prouaga muret. Nagu meie president Ilveselgi. Ei tea kas nad ka naiste-küsimust arutasid omavahel, nelja silma all? Aga mis see meisse, riigikodanikesse puutub. Meie asi on meestesse mõistvalt suhtuda. Eks mitmel rindel ole korraga raske rabada- riiklikul ja perekondlikul...:)

Ühesõnaga. Kuna juba poliitilistele teemadele kaldutud, siis olgu kaks artiklit ära toodud:
Why President Obama's Visit to Estonia Really Matters
Instead of Bombing Syria to Fight the Islamic State, Let Syria and Others Battle Islamic Radicals

Obama visiidi puhul  tõstan siinkohal ühe vanema blogipostituse (huvipakkuvad vast eelkõige selle KOMMENTAARID) uuesti püsti:
Poliitika, yehaa!
Obama in Tallinn, Estonia!
As an Estonian who's living in The States I simply HAVE to blog about that don't I?

The thing is, I like Obama. Can't say that I'm the greatest fan of all his (and his administration's) undertakings but he's a Democrat and that's enough for me. Republicans are simply not my cup of tea you see.
Anyway. Have been pondering here lately why US' military presence in Estonia is OK for me but it's presence in Mid East isn't. Still don't have a good answer. My best guess so far: Estonia is part of the Western World so I feel it's justified for US to support it's interests in Estonia. The harsh truth is, country so small as my birth country simply has to 'lean' against one or another bigger one. Estonians have experienced 'embrance' of our Eastern neighbour, Russia. Wasn't nice, to say the least. So it makes perfect sense that we more or less happily welcome 'hug' of our Western neighbours (European Union and NATO) and their allies, including US.

But US in Mid East? As the name says, it's EASTERN World. Whole different ball game. History, culture, just name it. So why to think that Westerners can just step in and 'fix' that area?
Also, no one in the right mind can believe in big countries being altruistic. US has other motives for its presence in Estonia than just protecting the small country's independence. As it has other motives for its presence in Mid East than just fighting terrorism.

Anyway. As I said, I like Obama. Besides, he and Estonian president have more in common than meets the eye....) Apparently, they both have troubles on domestic front. Sure it can't be easy to lead your country and your family at the same time. Let's give men some credit for God's sake...

Anyway (ouch, its THIRD anyway already:) - since its a political post, here are two articles that caught my eye:
Why President Obama's Visit to Estonia Really Matters
Instead of Bombing Syria to Fight the Islamic State, Let Syria and Others Battle Islamic Radicals

And since its a political post, let's look back to another one in my blog. Especially its comments:
Politics, yehaa!