Hommikumantlis alla kanjonisse jalutada on kena küll. Kuid see pole sul siin New Mexico kõrb. Jalad saavad kasteses rohus märjaks. Second hand on ikka hädast välja aidanud, nii seegi kord. Kummikud, yehaa! Passivad mu tumepruuni hommikumantli juurde justkui rusikas silmaauku. Peenike värk. Metskitsed vaatavad ja ahhetavad:)
It ain't Chihuahuan desert here for sure. You will get your feet wet in the grass on your morning walks down to the creek. Hooray to the thrift stores! Found a pair of elegant gummy boots for basically nothing. Also, they are matching perfectly with my dark brown morning gown. You see, the local custom is to make your morning walks in your robe. With all that deer watching you, you better look classy:)