Teisel pool kanjoni kasvavad kivimürakate vahel uhked suured kollased lillepuhmad. Googeldasin. Grindelia, Gumweed. Tuppa vaasi tõin ka, seisavad värsked vaat et nädala. Aga mitte sellest ei tahtnud ma kirjutada, vaid tänasest pealelõunast.
Foto 1. Kanjonikülg, guweed'i kasvukoht.
Foto 2. Gumweed.
Foto 3. Gumweed lähemalt.
Foto 4. Oigan ja masseerin valutavat istmikku vahetult pärast seda, kui (olles gumweed'i pildile saanud) kivilt kivile hüpates valvsuse kaotasin ning tükk maad allapoole veeresin. Paul kahjuks kukerpalli pildile ei saanud. Küll aga hetke, mil taas jalul olin.
Foto 5. Kõõksun naerda, iseenda õnnetuse üle:)
You have to be tough when you are stupid. There are gorgeous yellow flowers growing across the canyon, facing our house. Gumweed. They smell like sage and stay fresh in the vase almost a week. Wonderful! Anyway, it's not gumweed I wanted to write about, but today's afternoon.
Photo 1. The Canyon
Photo 2 The Gumweed
Photo 3. Gumweed, close-up.
Photo 4. Taking the close-up was followed by careless jumping from rock to rock, ending with classical (but not intentional) somersault. OUCH!!! Paul was there with the camera when I finally got up again.
Photo 5. I'm cracking myself up after some moaning and groaning. It was one pretty funny fall after all!:)