Road trip. Põllumajandus, yehaa!:)
Aive küsib: " Kas te oma reisil mõnest karjakasvatuspiirkonnast ka läbi sõitsite? Hobused, lihaveised, piimakari? Kuidas sealkandis piimakarja peetakse? Kas samamoodi nagu Eestis viimastel aastatel - vabapidamisega külmlautades ja lüpsirobotitega - või saavad vissid ikka päikest ka näha ja aasal rohelist rohtu süüa? Ja hobused - mis tõugusid kasvatatakse, kas vabalt või tallides Ühesõnaga, üks selleteemaline blogipostitus paluks :)"
Paul vastab: (hobuse-inimesena teeb muidugi põhiliselt juttu hobustest:) "Well, lets see...
New Mexico, we saw some Pintos and some Piebalds. Mostly scruffy and from Quarter horse stock. Lots of Quarter horses.
Colorado, the same but all in better shape from better grass. Quarter horses of courses... Some Blue Roans and some Buckskins too (colors).
Idaho and Wyoming, here we saw the Quarter horses but also our first Epparoosas, I mean Appaloosas; those of the spotted rumps and the couple we saw called "Leopard Appaloosas" that have the big black dots all over.
Montana, we saw the fabled Misons, Bubblers and Toss Ups.........
Cows was all Herefords with a few Texas Longhorns on parade. Saw some "White Cows" and some "Black Cows" too:)
Most Horses in the states are cut with Quarter Horse these days as the breed is solid and mostly reliable. Folks spice them up ( or down ) with some Thoroughbred bred stuff.
The first horses here were from Spain that got loose or were stolen. The Pinto (or Paint), the Appaloosa and any "American" breed comes from these which come from Spanish and Moorish Arabs, Barbs and then the Andalusian creations...
Folks have been mixing Horse flesh forever. Hope this helps a bit? "
Mina omalt poolt lisan veel kommentaariks, et lehmad olid põhiliselt vabapidamisel. Ilusad, terved, puhtad loomad, mäletsevad lõpututel rohelistel aasadel päikesepaistel...:). vahel ikka väga suured karjad. Tihtipeale kohtas nn. 'open range'i'. See tähendas, et vissid kooberdasid lausa autoteid ületada.