OREGONI OSARIIGI SEADUSANDLUSEGA tutvumine (ja lugejatele tutvustamine) on ainumas põhjus, miks järgnev postitus mu blogis on. Puudub vähimgi seos meie hiljutise kolimisega Oregoni.
Brittany Maynardil (1984-2014) tuvastati läinud kevadel agressiivne ajukasvaja. Suvel kolist ta Californiast Oregoni, läbis vastavad legaalsed ja meditsiinilised protseduurid ning lõpetas oma elu läinud laupäeval. Maynardi elu lõpp ja surm on meedias väga palju tähelepanu saanud, üksiti ka Oregoni Death with Dignity Act  (vabatõlkes Väärika Surma Seadus).

OREGON oli esimene USA osariik, kus rahvahääletusega võeti vastu seadus, mis annab parandamatut haigust põdevaile osariigi elanikele õiguse vastava medikamendiga ise oma elu/surma üle otsustada. Oregoni Death with Dignity Act oli eeskujuks Montanale, Washingtonile, New Mexicole ja  Vermontile ning neis osariikides tänaseks ka vastu võetud. Ülejäänud osariikides on 'assisteeritud enesetapp' seadusevastane, kuid väga mitmes on seaduseelnõu väljatöötamisel või juba vastuvõtmiseks esitatud.

 Alates seaduse jõustumisest 1997 aastal on surmav retsept välja kirjutatud 1173 inimesele, väidetavalt 64%on retsepti kasutanud. (Äärepealt oleksin kirjutanud 'surmava ravimi retsept':) - antagu huumor andeks, kuid üleliia tõsiselt ei või ka surma võtta). Allpool, inglisekeelse teksti lõpus, on veel mõned arvud ja lingid välja toodud.


OREGON STATE LAW(s) and getting myself (and my readers) acquainted with it is one and only reason why this post is here in 5500 (no need to draw any connections between the info below and us moving to Oregon).
Brittany Maynard (1984-2014) moved to Oregon last summer to utilize the Death with Dignity Act. She ended her life last Saturday.

/.../OREGON was the FIRST US State to legalize assisted suicide, which was achieved through popular vote. Oregon voters approved the Death with Dignity Act in 1994, but opponents persuaded a federal judge to issue an injunction temporarily blocking the law. Voters in November 1997 overwhelmingly reaffirmed the nation's first aid-in-dying law and it's been in place ever since./.../

/.../State legislators look to the Oregon Death with Dignity Act as a guide for good reason. The years of data show the law is safe and utilized the way it's intended with no evidence of a slippery slope for vulnerable Oregonians. Montana, Washington, New Mexico and Vermont are the other states where death with dignity is available. According to the Death with Dignity National Center, legislators is seven other states have introduced bills./.../

The United States first right-to-die law and  how many people in Oregon have used it:

According to state statistics compiled through Dec. 31, 2013:
—1,173 people have received lethal prescriptions
—Roughly 64 percent have used the medication to die
— People who have used the law since late 1997: 752 (396 men, 356 women)
— People younger than 35 who have used the law: 6
— Median age of the deceased: 71
— Percentage of patients who informed relatives of their decision: 94
— Percentage of patients who died at a home: 95 percent
— Median minutes between ingestion of lethal drug and unconsciousness: 5
— Median minutes between ingestion and death: 25
— Number of terminally ill people who have moved to Oregon to die: unknown

Assisted suicide in The United States 
Assisted Suicide in The World 