Yarko paberimajanduse ettevalmistamine. Kirjutasin P'le:
Gosh those email addresses: xxxx@agr.state.ga.us.gov. etc. etc.
Gosh those email addresses: xxxx@agr.state.ga.us.gov. etc. etc.
Dr This and Dr That.
State Animal Health Officials.
Oh well. I think I'll have a glass of red wine. And then I'll write:
>>Dear Sirs, I want to visit my boyfriend and therefore I need a rabies vaccination...oops it is my dog who needs it... wait... wait! actually it is Mr Nilsson who needs the vaccination. <<
>>Dear Sirs, I want to visit my boyfriend and therefore I need a rabies vaccination...oops it is my dog who needs it... wait... wait! actually it is Mr Nilsson who needs the vaccination. <<
USDA - US Department of Agriculture
CDC - Centres for Desease Control and Prevention
APHIS - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
CDC - Centres for Desease Control and Prevention
APHIS - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service