KUIDAS LILLIKESEL LÄHEB, sel ajal kui meie Pauliga siin palmi all oleme, küsite. Vastan: nüüd juba kenasti. Kuid algus oli ikka väga keeruline - üllatavalt keeruline arvestades fakti, et kutsikapõlvest saati oleme Lillit uute olukordade, inimeste, koertega tutvustanud. Ta on ikka julge, rõõmus, uudishimulik olnud, aga nüüd kasvataja juures hoiul olles pööras justkui teiseks koeraks. Nagu poleks elu sees kusagil käinud, midagi näinud peale koduste kadakate ja kanjoni. Väga kummaline.

Kuid nagu korduvalt kirjutanud olen, usaldan Lilli kasvatajat Shelbyt täielikult, niisiis ei olnud me Pauliga just totaalses paanikas, kui Shelby esimesi, murelikke sõnumeid lugesime. Ühendust peame umbes ülepäeva. Tänaseks on asjad kena pöörde võtnud (vt allpool). Eks me näe, mis olekus Lillikene koju tagasi kolib, aga jääb mulje, et Shelbyle boardingu eest tasudes oleme saanud nö. kaks ühes - hotelliteenus ja suhtluskoolitus:-) For the record: päev koerahoidu maksab Shelby juures 25 dollarit. Hind sisaldab söötmist, hooldust, jalutuskäike ja tegelusi.
Pildil: Lilli miilustab Inimesega. Foto: Shelby


SELECTED UPDATES from Lilli's breeder Shelby:

"She's acting like a dog that has never gone anywhere or seen anything. She could be in a teenage fear period. And she doesn't seem to act like she remembers me so I doubt she trusts me. Which is unusual. That's probably a very good thing that she's here right now. It'll force her to come out of her shell. I'll let you know as the days go by if she's getting better."

"She's doing better. Played with the hose this morning and is eating better."

DAY 12
"She's good. She had a big day yesterday playing with her brother. He played so nice with her and really helped her come out of her shell. She acted scared at first but by the end was encouraging. He was awesome with her. She was naughty at first. Snarling and barking and he just ignored it and kept being friendly. BTW she'll have lots of exposure this weekend during the retreat." (Annual Women + Dogs Retreat at Neumond German Shepherds)

DAY 17
"She's doing really good.  Missing her owners of course but she's a big dog now. Plays with everybody and is very social. I think this is been very good for her. Thank you for letting her stay."
July 17/2017