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Tänane uudis: USA Kongress tõstatas politseireformi küsimuse. Tõsi, vabariiklaste ja demokraatide nägemus vajalikest ja võimalikest läbiviidavatest muudatustest on esialgu üsna erinev, aga – hoiatus, kasutan valju häält – USA KONGRESS ARUTAB VÕIMALIKKU POLITSEIREFORMI. Wow. Fakt, mis veel kaks nädalat tagasi tundus täiesti utoopiline. Fakt, mida me täna uudistest ei loeks, kui rahvas üle Ühendriikide poleks tänavatele tulnud sõnumiga enough is enough, politseivägivald ja rassiline diskrimineerimine peab lõppema. Tänu protestidele tunnistab valitsus täna mõlema partei tasandil, et probleem on olemas. Ning jaa, pikk tee on minna, aga esimene samm on tehtud.

CNN, live updates: House Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler opened today's hearing on police reform urging Congress to bring change, saying lawmakers have an "obligation" to do "everything in our power" to deliver that change. "If there is one thing I have taken away from the tragic events of the last month, is that the nation demands and deserves meaningful change. We can and should debate the specifics, but at the end of the day, it is the responsibility and the obligation of the House Judiciary Committee to do everything in our power to help deliver that change for the American people," Nadler said.
Even republican senators — confronted by marches in cities and small towns across America — are growing more vocal that the party must act on policing reform, a stark contrast to just a week ago when many members dismissed the idea of the Senate acting at all.
Image: Internet
June 09/2020
“Leaders who do not help the people must be replaced by the people.”
 ― DaShanne Stokes

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