KÕIGE JÕLEDAM VAATEPILT, mida minu silmad rannaliival näinud. Hiigelhunnik võikaid kombitsaid. Näeb välja nagu hinge heitnud tulnukas. Õudne! Googeldamine õnneks veidike rahustas - tegemist on tormist kaldale uhutud mererohuga. Kombitsad kasvavad kuni kahekümnemeetriseks.
OK, mererohi, aga sellegipoolest, mine sa tea... Ega Google peale või alati kindel kah olla. Kusjuures väidetavalt olla see jubedus SÖÖDAV.
Fotod võetud Oregoni rannikul.


/…/ Perhaps you're wondering about those huge piles of alien-looking bulbs and whips on the beach? It's a seaweed (or a large algae) that grows in "forests" near the shore. The scientific name is Nereocystis luetkeana.
These kelp are annuals, completing their life cycle in one season, and can grow up to 20 meters (60 feet) in one year. They grow in enormous fields just offshore and in areas too deep to be affected by tides, but you can sometimes see their roundish bulb heads bobbing in the ocean. Bull kelp are comprised of a single stalk (called a stipe) which attaches to rock on the ocean bed, while at the top is that large bulb and numerous ribbon-like blades. The bulb is filled with carbon monoxide, which is what causes it to float upright in the ocean.
Interestingly enough, bull kelp off the Oregon coast are QUITE EDIBLE, though you'll want to harvest them fresh from their strand in the ocean, which means don't go trying to gobble them off the beach when you find them there. They are said to be quite delicious and tender when cooked or marinated./…/
November 26/2017