Rukkililled! Appikene!! Ei kippunud oma silmi uskuma esimese hooga. Kodunt nii umbes 50 km põhja pool, väikelinna Shaniko külje all. Ja ennäe imet, isegi valged rukkililled! Yarkogi oli hämmingus:). Minu jaoks kodusesse kohta oleme kolinud, pole miskit öelda. Rukkililled, toomingad...
I could hardly believe my eyes sawing cornflowers near Shaniko, a small town approx. 30 miles North from home. Cornflower, you see, is Estonian National Flower. White ones are very rare, but there it was also! Wonders never cease...Yarko seems to be pretty bewildered too:). Paul and I chose wisely for sure, making Oregon our new home.