Me Pauliga tahtsime tegelikult sinna kõrgele lõunat sööma minna, aga selgus, et restoran on renoveerimisel. Taasavatakse paari kuu pärast. Kuna aga juba kohapeal olime, oleks tobe olnud üles minemata jätta, kuigi me turistlemisest muidu suuremat ei hooli. Pilet tundus paras kirves, 75 dollarit kahepeale, aga ei kahetse. (Tehnilistest üksikasjadest loe postituse inglisekeelsest osast.)
Space Needle vaateplatvorm asetseb veidi madalamal kui Tallinna Teletorni oma (Tallinnas 170 meetrit, Seattles 160). Ma enda arvates kardan kõrgust, aga aeglaselt keerlev klaaspõrand, läbi mille paistis maapind seal kusagil kaugel all, ei tekitanud mus üllataval kombel mitte mingeid hirmujudinaid ega jalakrampe. Vastupidi, väga äge oli. Põrand on muide esimene ning ainus sellelaadne maailmas, teeb ümber torni täisringi 45 minutiga. Vaated, mis avanevad, on muidugi fantastilised. Kaskaadide mäeahelik, selle kõrgeim tipp, Mount Rainier (4392 m), Elliott Bay sinakashõbedased veed, sillad, laevad, sadamad, linnasüdame kõrghooned, ja üllatus-üllatus – lugematud katus-aiad. Seattle pealagi oli puha roheline. Ja kõrgustes asuva veinibaari Pinot Grigio oli tasemel.
Lühike ülevaade värskest renoveerimisprojektist:
Olson Kundig Sharpens Seattle’s Space Needle
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Youtube video 2 min 38 sek
"THE SPACE NEEDLE is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest and an icon of Seattle. It was built in the Seattle Center for the 1962 World's Fair, which drew over 2.3 million visitors. Being 184 m high and 42 m wide, it is built to withstand winds of up to 320 km/h and earthquakes of up to 9.0 magnitude.
The Space Needle has an observation deck at 160 m and the rotating SkyCity restaurant at 150 m. The downtown Seattle skyline, as well as the Olympic and Cascade Mountains, Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, Elliott Bay and surrounding islands can be viewed from the top of the Needle. Visitors can reach the top of the Space Needle by elevators that travel at 16 km/h. The trip takes 41 seconds.
In September 2017, the restaurant was temporarily closed as part of a US $100 million renovation. The renovation included the installation of a new rotation motor and see-through glass floors in the restaurant, as well as the replacement of the observation deck's wire enclosure with glass panels. In August 2018, it unveiled its latest addition: the world's first and only revolving glass floor, known as "The Loupe." Standing 50 stories above street level, the observation deck's new see-through floor offers 360-degree views of the large city. The floor is powered by 12 motors and is constructed of 10 layers of tightly bonded glass to ensure safety." Source: Wikipedia
December 04/2018
#1, 2, 3 - Internet
#4, 6, 7 - Paul
“Rincewind tried to scream through gritted teeth. His ankles were already beginning to sweat. 'I'm not going to ride on a magic carpet!' he hissed. 'I'm afraid of grounds!' 'You mean heights,' said Conina. 'And stop being silly.' 'I know what I mean! It's the grounds that kill you!”― Terry Pratchett, Sourcery