KUKED JA KANAD OOKEANIRANNAL. Parkimisplatsidel. Hotelliesistel. Hotellibassenide ümber. Restoranides ja kohvikutes. Iga põõsa ja palmipuu all. Tibukarjaga ja ilma. Orkaanid, mis Kauaist 1989. ja 1992.aastal üle käisid, päästsid kodulinnud vabadusse, ja nii see läks... Tänasel päeval on Kauai tõeline kanade-kukkede paradiis, liialdamata. Kaks esimest fotot võetud rannas. Linnukesed ronivad päevitajatele lausa sülle, kui eemale ei peleta. Kolm ülejäänud pilti tehtud parkimisplatsil, paduvihmaga. Vanarahva ütlus nagu uppunud kukk on ikka väga tabav, peab ütlema. 
Live Science: How Kauai's Feral Chickens Do It


/…/ On the Island of Kauai in Hawaii live thousands of FERAL CHICKENS — once-domesticated birds that have reverted to a wild state — that provide a unique look into how domestic animals and their genes respond to the natural environment. Recent research shows that these birds are hybrids of the red junglefowl-like chickens that Polynesians brought to Hawaii and the more modern domesticated chickens introduced to Hawaii by European and U.S. settlers. It's thought that hurricanes that hit the island in 1982 and 1992 released chickens from people's backyards and into the forests, where they met and bred with the remnants of the Polynesian junglefowls. /…/
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February 28/2018
“And believe me, a good piece of chicken can make anybody believe in the existence of God.” ― Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian