Mäletate filmi, kus Jack Nicholsoni kehastatud hullunud kirjanik oma perekonda kirvega taga ajab? The Shining? Overlook Hotel? Stanely Kubrick? No vot. Mõnede Overlook hotelli ekserjööri-võtete tarvis kasutas Kubrick Timberline Lodge'i - meie kodust ca poolteist tundi autosõitu põhja suunas.
The 1980 movie – The Shining – used aerial shots of Timberline Lodge as part of its opening scene, and exterior footage for some establishing shots of the fictional Overlook Hotel throughout the movie. It takes a bit more than an hour to get there, from our home.

Timberline Lodge ehitati USA valitsuse toel 1936-1938, Suure Depressiooni ajal, kohalike Oregoni meistrite ja käsitööliste poolt. Kaks ülevaatlikku fotot, võetud Internetist.
Timberline Lodge is a mountain lodge on the south side of Mount Hood in Oregon, about 60 miles (97 km) east of Portland. Constructed from 1936 to 1938 by the Works Progress Administration, it was built and furnished by local artisans during the Great Depression. Two photos: Internet.

Timberline Lodge, 1817 meetrit merepinnast. Rahvuslik ühisomand, majandatakse erafirma poolt. See süsteem töötab laitmatult alates 1960-ndatest.
The National Historic Landmark sits at an elevation of 5,960 feet, within the Mount Hood National Forest and is accessible through the Mount Hood Scenic Byway. Publicly owned and privately operated, Timberline Lodge is a popular tourist attraction that draws two million visitors annually.

Läksin Timberline'i pisukese (isegi rohkem kui pisukese) eelarvamusega. Et noh, üks noid järjekordseid palkehitisi, kirvemaiguline, poolpime, trofeed jõllitavad seintelt vastu. Kuid võta näpust. Sain hoopistükkis kenakese arhitektuurielamuse. Kusjuures lausa Art Deco hõngu oli tunda, paiguti.
Everything is XL size in Timberline Lodge. I went there a bit biased, expecting to see another log cabin with animal heads staring down on me from the walls. But! Got an artistic experience instead - the whole place with all it's history, craftsmanship and ambience is simply awesome.

Vaade söögisaali aknast. See valge hiiglane kaasi taha on Mount Hood, 2350 meetrit merepinnast.
Pole siis ime, et Oregonis suvelgi suusatada saab.
The View.

Materjalide taaskasutus, läinud sajandi kolmekümnendatel.
Materials costs were minimized by the skillful use of recycled materials. Women wove draperies, upholstery and bedspreads, and hooked rugs were made from strips of old Civilian Conservation Corps camp blankets.  Fireplace screens were fashioned from tire chains. Andirons and other iron work was forged from old railroad tracks. Workers used large timbers and local stone from the site.

Lift, tehniline täiendus uuemast ajast, et Timberline'i külalistel mugavam oleks. Kusjuures, maavärina-nupp pole nali. Vaid paar nädalat tagasi registreeriti Mount Hoodi ümbruses väiksemat sorti maavärinad.
May 16th 2016, PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A swarm of small earthquakes has been detected at Mount Hood. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quakes began Sunday evening and continued into Monday. The strongest quake was a magnitude 2.4.

Pealpool pilvi.
Above the clouds.
May 26/2016