POOLPIDUSEiD PUNARINNAPOEGI leiab praegu pea iga põõsa alt, me kodu ümber. Ja mujaltki kui põõsa alt, nagu fotodelt näha. Paanikaks ja/või päästeoperatsioonideks pole mingit põhjust. Ameerika punarind ongi sedasorti. Noorlinnud lahkuvad pesalt varakult, enne kui õieti lendamagi õpivad. Hoolitsevad vanemad (enamjaolt isalind) valvab läheduses, varustab toiduga. Pole haruldane, et emalind haub samal ajal juba uut kurna.


Young Robins leave the nest about 14-16 days after hatching. Male may tend the fledged young while female begins second nesting attempt.
/.../"Baby robins can't really fly when they leave the nest. They sort of make a controlled crash to the ground and just walk about and hide in underbrush for a few days until they are able to take the skies. So don't be tempted to catch a baby robin and place it back to the nest. The father will be close by, and will continue to feed and and care for the young as they mature."/.../ - Michael Berger, The Best Bird Houses For Your Back Yard.
Photos taken in our back yard.