Veel mõned pildid Mare külaskäigust. Teema: sini-must-valge!
FOTO 1 - SININE. Clear Lake. Sukeldujate paradiis. Vee värvib siniseks vulkaanilise tuhaga segatud põhjaliiv. 30 meetri sügavuses, aastaringi külmas vees seisavad 3000 aastat tagasi vulkaanipurskes hukkunud puud ikka veel püsti. Wow.Vaata veel imelisi järvepilte, mitte minu omi.
FOTO 2 - SININE. McKenzie jõgi. Jõepõhi justkui türkiis.
FOTO 3 - MUST McKenzie mäekuru. Washingtoni mägi ja laavaväljad.
FOTO 4 - MUST. Mare, Epp, Paul
FOTO 5 - Aga mütsid olid meil Marega VALGED!:)
Few more photos of Mare's visit in colours of flag of Estonia. Blue-Black-White!
PHOTO 1 - BLUE. Clear Lake. /.../is reported to be one of the most exceptional freshwater dive spots in the United States.Submerged 100 feet deep in the lake is a stand of upright trees that were killed approximately 3,000 years ago when volcanic activity created the lake. The trees are remarkably preserved due to the cold year-round water temperatures of between 35–43 °F./.../ Check out more lake pics, not mine though.
PHOTO 2 - BLUE. McKenzie River
PHOTO 3 - BLACK. McKenzie Pass and Mnt Washington
PHOTO 4 - BLACK. Mare, Epp, Paul
PHOTO 5 - WHITE. Hats!:)