Käisime kahel hommikul 'oma' farmeritel abiks, tollel noorpaaril, kelle käest iganädalase juurviljakorvi saame.
SIIN kogukonna poolt toetatavast põllumajandusest eraldi postitus ka. Aga oh sa pagan, põllutöö on ikka hoopis miskit muud kui aiatöö, millega meie kered harjunud on. Mul täna kondid nii kanged, et...:-) 
Mitte et rohimine klientidele kohustuslik oleks, mkmm. Me ju maksame oma kraami (st. farmerite töö) eest. 'Kliendipäevad' saavad teoks pigem kogukonnatunde kasvatamiseks, suhtlemiseks, näpu sellesse konkreetsesse mulda pistmiseks, kus need lehed-kaunad-mugulad kasvavad, mis meie külmutuskappi jõuavad.
1. Põllutööline Paul
2. Paul ja farmer Jerin. Tagaplaanil Mount Jefferson. 


Paul and I went and worked on 'our' CSA farmers field - young couple we choose to get our weekly veggie basket  this season. Worked two mornings. My muscles, ouuuch....:-) Message from our Farmers: "There will be dates for our CSA members and friends to come out and help with projects around the garden. Times will be set in few hours sessions for the morning and evening since it gets too hot during te afternoons. Your time spent in garden will help everyone see how the produce is being grown and cared for. We do not expect everyone to show up to every scheduled Field Day but would like to create a community atmosphere with members showing up few times throughout the season. "
1. Paul the farm hand
2. Paul and Jerin The Farmer. Mount Jefferson on the background
June 14/2015