Tähistame! Lu-me-ga!!:)

Täna sadas muudkui juurde. Küsite, kas säärased ilmaolud me uues kodukohas normaalsed. Ei, ei ole mitte. Enamik talvi möödub lumeta. Käesolev erakordne talvetorm on elu Kesk-Oregonis pea peale pööranud. Koolid ei tööta, ametiasutused (sh mõned pangad) kinni, nädalavahetuseks välja kuulutet üritusi jäetakse ära üksteise võidu, teed on umbes. Oodatakse pikisilmi tuleva nädala keskpaigaks lubatud sula - saab elu taas rööpasse.

Mulle isiklikult tundub kogu see tragöödia väheke veider. Eestis tuleb lumi maha, aga elu läheb edasi. Ei saa ju mitmeks kuuks riiki ja rahvast külmapühi veetma panna. Aga see selleks. Meie kolmekesi (Paul, Yarko, mina) naudime olusid täiel rinnal. Maja soe, söögivarud sahvris, kaminapuud lõhutud. Paradiis! Täna õhtuhakul tippisime kanjoni-veerse lumevalli küünlaid täis, mässisime end tekkidesse ja nautisime terrassil istudes jõulumeeleolu.

Panen mõned pildid ka juurde - saab eelmise postitusega võrrelda: lund kaks korda nii palju kui eile.


Let's celebrate!! With....THE SNOW!:)

/.../Just about all Central Oregon schools were closed Friday, some for a second day, after Thursday's snow was followed by a foot or more in areas, plus a severe bout of freezing rain that left roads treacherous and officials urging everyone to stay off them if at all possible.
All over Central Oregon there's list of other services, events and activities canceled or rescheduled due to Friday's snow and freezing rain.
The icing conditions prompted a closure of Redmond Airport (Roberts Field) Thursday evening. As of 6 a.m. Friday, all morning departures were canceled./.../

Telling the truth - being a native Northerner I'm a bit surprised. What's all that fuss about? In Estonia, snow arrives around November, annually, but life goes on. Otherwise the whole country would be hibernated about 3-5 months every year. Well in some sense it IS hibernated of course:) - no grill parties, no mini skirts or other summer fun, but closing schools? Banks? Cancel Friday night Bingo? Come on! It's just a SNOW!

Anyway. Let's not be too harsh to Oregonians. Their winters are mostly snowless as they say. Also, forecast says it will get warm in the middle of next week. Hopefully life will get back to normal again.

What comes to Paul, Yarko and I - we three are taking full advantage of The Weather. Warm house, lots of food in pantry, lots of firewood. Paradise!:)
Few more snow pics added. As you can see - twice as much snow compared with yesterday.