Veiniklaasid ja noored hirved.
Aga tegelikult oli asi nii: tähistasime tänast lund, kanjoniselval, lumesajus, punase veiniga (vaata foto 1, Paul hoiab meie klaase), kui alt kanjonist hiilis ligi kaks noort hirve. Kuna alaealistele alkoholi pakkumine on ebaseaduslik, jäid noored loodetud napsust ilma.
Wine glasses and young deer.
Telling the truth - that's how it really happened: Paul and I decided to celebrate today's first snow with red wine on canyon edge.
Photo 1: Paul is holding our wine glasses.
Photo 2: Two young deer climbing out from the canyon. To get some free booze perhaps?
Photo 3: Deer, zoom
Its illegal to serve alcoholic beverages to minors. Therefore, deer didn't get any wine.