Sotol - taim
/.../ TEXAS SOTOL (Desert Spoon) has light green leaves, a short trunk, and spectacular flower stalks from 9 to 15 feet tall. . It grows in arid, rocky limestone. The dioecious flowers (male and female on separate plants) appear from May to August, attracting hummingbirds when they are mature. The leaves have dangerously sharp spines or teeth along their margins, so they must be planted away from pedestrian areas unless they are used for security barriers. Like all dasylirions, they need well-drained soil and full sun to thrive, and are very drought and heat tolerant. Texas sotols are highly ornamental landscape plants. Throughout history Sotols have provided man with material for structures, roofs, baskets, mats, ropes, food and even liquor. They also provide fodder for cattle during droughts./.../

Sotol - jook
/.../ Local Chihuahua Indians fermented sotol juice into a beer-like alcoholic beverage as early as 800 years ago. In the 16th century, Spanish colonists introduced European distillation techniques to produce a spirit. Sotol is now beginning to achieve international recognition like its cousins, mezcal and tequila. The Desert Spoon takes approximately 15 years to mature, and creates only one bottle of Sotol per plant /.../