KÜSIMUS: mis on sellel pildil valesti?
VIHJE: teemaks on naiste õigused.
VASTUS: Need 25 fotol olevat USA Alabama osariigi meessoost senaatorit otsustasid, mida Alabama naised oma kehaga teha tohivad – õigemini, mida naised teha ei tohi. Paar päeva tagasi kehtestas Alabama osariik Ühendriikide kõige karmima abordiseaduse. Seadus, mis võtab naistelt õiguse aborti teha ning kriminaalkaristab aborte tegevaid arste, sai 25 poolt- ja 6 vastuhäält. Kõik 25 poolthäält tulid meestelt (vaata veelkord fotot). Alabama, olgu öeldud, on üks tagurlikumaid USA osariike. Näide? Mistahes vanuses afroameeriklasest meesterahvas on seal tänaseni paljude valge rassi esindajate kõnepruugis “boy”. Vanad head lõunaosariikide orjapidamistraditsioonid.
Õnneks need värskelt vastu võetud üliranged abordiseadused kohe ja korrapealt ei jõustu, ei Alabamas, ei muudes osariikides, kuna naiste õiguste eest seisvad organisatsioonid on alustanud kohtuteed. Pole võimatu, et asi jõuab lõpuks USA Ülemkohtusse. Paraku valitseb Ülemkohtu koosseisus hetkel religioossete konservatiivide (loe: abordivastaste) ülekaal. (Aitäh kohtunikke ametisse nimetamast, Trump.)
Tuleb pikk ning vaevarikas võitlus.
HUFFPOST: “The Alabama state Senate just passed the country’s strictest abortion ban, which criminalizes nearly all abortions including in cases of rape and incest. Every Senate vote for Alabama’s abortion ban was from a white man. The Human Life Protection Act would make it a felony for doctors to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy except in cases where the pregnant woman’s life is at serious risk; exemptions are not included in the bill for cases of incest or rape.
Alabama’s bill is the anti-abortion opposition’s true agenda on full display — ban abortion, punish women, jail doctors, and shame people seeking care. These 25 men, who will never be pregnant, just legislated more rights to rapists than to women, girls & victims of rape/incest.”
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VOX: A wave of abortion restrictions in Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, and other states has sparked nationwide controversy, and they could be the start of a prolonged legal battle over Roe v. Wade and the future of abortion rights in America.
Alabama passed a law that bans abortion in nearly all cases, unless the pregnant person’s life is at risk. A doctor who performs an abortion for any other reason could face up to 99 years in prison, and the law does not include exceptions for cases of rape and incest.
Georgia, Ohio, and a slate of other states have also passed so-called “heartbeat bills,” which prohibit abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected — as early as six weeks into pregnancy. These bills were once a fringe idea but have become more mainstream as the anti-abortion movement has pursued more aggressive tactics. Reproductive rights advocates and doctors say they amount to near-total bans, since many patients don’t yet know they are pregnant at six weeks.
The restrictions have not taken effect yet, and abortion is still legal in all 50 states. But they are part of a conservative strategy to get a case in front of the Supreme Court, where anti-abortion advocates hope Roe v. Wade will be overturned.
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CNN: Alabama's anti-abortion law isn't alone. Here are all the states pushing to restrict access.
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CNN: In Alabama, the new law would become enforceable in six months and would carry stiff penalties for those caught violating it. So what are the chances the law will be implemented anytime soon? Next to none. Given the amount of legal challenges it's likely to face, along with past rulings on other anti-abortion legislation, the law will probably be tied up in court for years, delaying enforcement. The Supreme Court has discretion over what cases it hears, and there is no guarantee the justices would take up the Alabama ban if it is struck down in lower courts.
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May 17/2019
Image: Internet
"We don't like to kill our unborn; we need them to grow up and fight our wars." ― Marilyn Manson