p.s. Nood fotod, mis kolme viimase postituse juures, on fragmendid mu käsitöödest. Millega nüüd lõpuks genereerimis-faasist esitlus- ning müügifaasi hakkan jõudma. Paraadpildid seni veel puuduvad, sestap panen niisama üht ja teist nurka nuusutamiseks üles:).
Those are NAMES that Old Estonians used to give to their kids. Some of them sound really weird in the ears of modern people, but some are just fine IMO. Also, don't get me wrong, Paul and I don't need children's names:) - it's just something I stumbled over today, surfing my home country's news sites.
p.s. Pictures attached with three last posts - that's my handwork. Wall hangings and greeting cards. After long generating process ( I was really, really rusty!!) there's finally something to be content with. Don't have good photos yet, therefore just some details for now.