MIDA JA KUIDAS SÖÖME - see on Oregoni kolimisest saati muutunud, meie peres. Mitte et me Las Cruceses oleks Coca Colat ja kartulikrõpse tarbinud, mkmm. Ikka väga tervislikult elasime. Kuid siin 'metsiku looduse' keskel on me söömisharjumused veelgi muutunud. Värske ja kohalik kogu aeg saadaval, liha, juurikad, muu säärane. Eks me oleme teemat uurinud ka, üritame pimesi ühe või teise soovituse või trendi järgimist vältida. (Mõni aeg tagasi kirjutasin, kuis toormahla-vaimustuses endale pigemj kahju kui kasu tegime:).

Novot. Paraku, teadmiste lisandudes lisanduvad ka igasugused 'agad'. Näiteks: kui palju sa oma tervise eest hoolitsedes emakest Maad ja teisi ilmakodanikke hoiad/ei hoia. MANDLID on hea näide. Üle mõistuse kasulik - süda, veresooned, diabeet, vähk, Alzhaimer, artriit, osteoporoos jne jne jne - ühesõnaga, söö ja kiida ja ole terve. Aga siis satud surfates kirjutisele  Mandlisöömise Tumedamast Poolest, mis sulle üksüheselt selgeks teeb, et mandlikasvatus nõuab tohutul hulgal vett, ohustab kalu ning mesilasi, lisaks muud 'kaasnähud' kesk- ja kogukonnale. Pagan võtku! Eeltoodud fakte teades on raske oma päevast mandlipeotäit täiel määral nautida...


HEALTHY DIET  has been important to us even before moving to Oregon but here it's even easier to keep it up - fresh local products being available. Eating healthily can be morally challenging though. Let's take ALMONDS for example. Amazingly beneficial tree nuts for human body. Recently, I learned that saying 'Ignorance is a bliss' is very much true:). After reading the article below I find it really hard to enjoy my daily handful of almonds...

/.../Eighty-two percent of the world’s almonds come from California.California’s almonds constitute a lucrative multibillion dollar industry in a fiscally tenuous state that is also, as you know, in the middle of the worst drought in recent history.  BUT EACH ALMOND REQUIRES 1,1 GALLON OF WATER TO PRODUCE.  That raises ecological concerns like thousands of endangered king salmon in northern California’s Klamath River are threatened by low water levels because water is being diverted to almond farms./.../ says James Hamblin in his article in The Atlantic.

/.../In England, for example, the cost of almonds has almost doubled over the past five years, and sales of almond milk increased 79 percent in a year.The crop is so valuable in the U.K. that there had been a spate of thefts and missing almond trucks. A truck loaded with almonds can be worth more than $160,000./.../

/.../California's almond industry is also completely reliant on honeybees to pollinate its almond trees. The industry requires 1.4 million bee colonies, most of which are brought to the state from across the country. Because of colony collapse disorder, honeybees are a commodity. The almond farmers' requirements represent approximately 60 percent of the country's managed colonies. This year many of the mercenary pollinating bees brought to California died due to exposure to pesticides./.../

/.../Anyway, when I buy almonds, I don't think about having a hand in killing bees or salmon, or getting someone's truck stolen. Thinking about that side of food makes it hard to write about nutrition in isolation./.../
Read the whole article The Dark Side of Almond Use. 